Map Catalog

Monday, September 22, 2008


This is a hypsometric map of Yosemite. It shows the elevations with contours of colors and shading. The browns emphasizes the elevation while the green emphasizes the valley depth.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cadastral map of Shenzhen city, Guangdong Province

A cadastral map shows boundaries and ownership of land parcels. This particular map shows parcels in a province in China.

Planimetric map of the world

A planimetric map shows only horizontal features of the Earth's surface. Vertical features such as elevation are ignored. This shows how the World looked 300 million years ago.

Thematic map of Ice Age Migration

A thematic map displays spatial pattern of a theme. This map shows the routes believed to be used for migration during the Ice Age. These routes are a natural land bridge connecting Siberia and Alaska, a Pacific Coast Route and an ice-free corridor that opened in the continental interior once the weather started warming.

Topographic map of Florida

Topographic maps are used to show detailed and accurate representations of cultural and natural features on the ground. This map was used to show the area of Florida that is near sea level that could possibly be affected by rising sea levels due to global warming.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mental map

This is a mental map signifying Coal City, Illinois in the 1940's. The illustrator has drawn a map of the area showing what was important to him while he was a child. He has shown his favorite places and what life was like for him and his family on a daily basis.